Thursday, November 11, 2010

Career Coaching

By Mary Curran
Phone No: 00353 1 6612291

What is my life about? And what do I want it to be about?
"My life is about getting up in the morning and going into a job that I don't enjoy or even look forward to. At the moment, I am merely going through the motions of going to work".
Is this you? Does this statement sound familiar?
If so, you are not really living, you are "The Living Dead" - barely existing and certainly not living.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Choosing truth over illusion

"Choosing truth over illusion"
David Rude, MA, CPC

Our ultimate success comes down to choice. Either we choose truth or we choose illusion.

By choice, we can move into new experiences or areas of living or stay stuck in place. It is always up to us. Through the choices we make, every experience is communicated universally and all of life, including all others in our life, adjusts accordingly. Talk about power! We have the capability to influence all of life through the choices we make! Each of us makes choices that we believe to be the best, given our level of awareness and insight at the time. Our choices then attract resonant experiences and repel dissonant ones. Over time, the choices we make attract more and more experiences and feelings that allow probabilities to becoming possibilities, and, eventually, into becoming our reality. Our thoughts, through our choices, eventually manifest as things.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Coaching or Training for Executive and Management development? Richard Casey

HR managers and professionals in all organisations suffer from the same challenge on a regular basis. They have been charged with increasing the productivity of the company’s employees but they only have a tight budget in which to do it!   The conflict between helping the organisation to achieve it Goals and having to do so within a budget often leads to comprimises being made.  One of this comprimises is choosing training over Coaching.  The folowing will outline the advantages and disadvantages of both Coaching and Training and put forward an arguement where Coaching is a better solution to training.  

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Distractions by Ali Davies

What is your view on the impact distractions are having on your business and family life?
Many people aren’t aware what distraction is really costing them. It’s destructiveness is often under the radar screen.
Sometimes it can be because people are using distractions as a way to avoid difficult stuff or challenges. Maybe for some it is an escape and a welcome relief from the boring and mundane. Often it is just habit.
Whatever the reason, it is important to be aware of the cost of distractions

Friday, February 19, 2010

What do you want Coaching to be?

What is coaching?

It's the proverbial question!

I was browsing the LinkedIn site recently (join us at as well as my other groups when I came across a post about Coaching in a marketing group I'm in. Ever the curious mouse I of course clicked to the post which brought me to an interesting post by Elaine Rogers who was discussing the myths of coaching:

While Elaine certainly adds her own point of view, it's a type of post I've seen many places in the past and it inspired me to voice my opinion here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Your Opportunity to Win Public Sector Business

A few months ago I wrote a blog post discussing coaching in the public sector. I promised to follow up with a post on the tendering process. Well finally a tender has been released that I can use as my motivation to get around to doing just that!