Saturday, October 23, 2010

Distractions by Ali Davies

What is your view on the impact distractions are having on your business and family life?
Many people aren’t aware what distraction is really costing them. It’s destructiveness is often under the radar screen.
Sometimes it can be because people are using distractions as a way to avoid difficult stuff or challenges. Maybe for some it is an escape and a welcome relief from the boring and mundane. Often it is just habit.
Whatever the reason, it is important to be aware of the cost of distractions

The Danger of Distractions

Let’s be clear on what we are talking about by distractions. We are talking about things like constantly checking email and social media, reading the papers, watching daytime TV, taking social calls during business time, doing admin during family time, unsolved problems. That sort of thing.
If you are allowing distractions like these to invade your daily schedule, here are some things to think about:
  • Distractions in your business takes you away from what is really important. As a result productivity drops, quality is affected and ultimately profits can be hit.
  • Being distracted when you are with your kids impacts the quality of your time with them and your relationship.
  • Constant distractions take you away from achieving what is most important
  • Constant distractions increases that juggling feelings which increases stress
The point is this:
Distractions are totally within our control. It is a choice. Distractions only happen if we let them.
The good news about that is that we have the power to minimise distractions in our business and family life. The not so good news is that it can seem a real challenge as often allowing distractions has become a deeply established habit.
So, what is the answer?
Well, there are many ways to eradicate distractions. But here is one technique to try out:

Make Distractions your friend

You can make distractions your friend by using them as a reward system. For example, you can make “deals” with yourself like:
  • If I finish this report within the time set, I can spend 10 minutes on social media sites
  • If I have the accounts done before lunch I can read the paper for 10 mins
  • If I have an article written within an hour I can phone Mary for a 10 minute chat.
Get the picture?
The key is to turn distractions from a negative you have to fight to change, to a positive part of your daily routine.
With that in mind, have a look at how you deal with distractions in your business and family life:
  • What is it costing you?
  • How do you want it to change?
  • What can you put in place today so that you are managing distractions and they are not managing you?
What are your biggest challenges with distractions? Would turning them into your “friend” as a reward system work for you? Do you already have effective techniques in place for managing distractions? Please share your answers in the comments section below.
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