Friday, February 19, 2010

What do you want Coaching to be?

What is coaching?

It's the proverbial question!

I was browsing the LinkedIn site recently (join us at as well as my other groups when I came across a post about Coaching in a marketing group I'm in. Ever the curious mouse I of course clicked to the post which brought me to an interesting post by Elaine Rogers who was discussing the myths of coaching:

While Elaine certainly adds her own point of view, it's a type of post I've seen many places in the past and it inspired me to voice my opinion here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Your Opportunity to Win Public Sector Business

A few months ago I wrote a blog post discussing coaching in the public sector. I promised to follow up with a post on the tendering process. Well finally a tender has been released that I can use as my motivation to get around to doing just that!