Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coaching in the Public Sector - Where are we going wrong?

Throughout my working history I have been heavily involved in the process of tendering. It began when I was involved in setting up a consulting firm which focused on the public sector, so tendering was a weekly occurrence for me, and it has continued in each role since. I keep a daily monitor on the Irish tendering website (I recommend anyone in business does) as well as international sites.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How do people react when you tell them you are a coach?

I'd like to get some feedback on this topic. Whenever I tell people that I am a coach they give me that little smile that tells me they do not take me serious. I find myself having to give them a long explanation regarding coaching! It's like I'm justifying myself. Does anyone else have this issue and if yes how do handle this?